Directory listing of TransMegan
A Digital Painting by: Steve J. Quest

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  TransMegan_sm.jpg      23 Kb   Mon Feb 23 20:54:35 2004 JPEG Image

  TransMegan_lg.jpg      46 Kb   Mon Feb 23 20:53:07 2004 JPEG Image

  TransMegan_pub.jpg     45 Kb   Wed Feb 25 19:05:31 2004 JPEG Image
(TransMegan_pub.jpg - the final version which was published)

The following are modifications to the TransMegan tiff*, (my original working copy of this image), by professional artist, Cile Bailey.

doubletake1.jpg is a modification of Cile's piece, to show how I feel the eyes and lips should be represented in her piece, a subtle, yet more natural color for both.

  blue_copy.jpg       278 Kb    Mon Mar 22 00:11:26 2004 JPEG Image

  doubletake.jpg        311 Kb    Mon Mar 22 00:11:26 2004 JPEG Image

  doubletake1.jpg        49 Kb    Mon Mar 22 00:11:26 2004 JPEG Image

  water_copy.jpg      287 Kb    Mon Mar 22 00:11:26 2004 JPEG Image

* If you download TransMegan in the unsigned tiff format, please do not distribute this work, as it is unsigned. If you create an improved, or modified version of TransMegan, please send a copy to so I can see (and share) your work. You are free to share the signed and dated jpeg version with anyone, she makes an excellent desktop image.  :o)